
Conference programme

RESAW 2023 will be held exclusively on site at MUCEM Lab (Mediterranean Institute of Heritage Crafts) on Monday 5 June and Tuesday 6 June 2023

Download the programme in PDF format

Simultaneous translation  French/English - English/French will be offered in the Meltem room exclusively


Monday 5 June 2023

8h30-9h15 Registration

Meltem Room


9h15-10h Welcome and Introduction

Welcome speeches: Anne Faure (MUCEM) ; Maryline Crivello (AMU) ; Fabien Borget (AMU) ; Xavier Daumalin (TELEMME, AMU) ; Jean-Christophe Peyssard (MMSH, CNRS) ; Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU)

Meltem Room


10h-10h45 Carte blanche: Dana Diminescu (Télécom Paris) : "Just like home". The words of hospitality shared online

Chair : Claude Mussou (INA)

Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU)

Meltem Room


10h45 - 11h15 Coffee Break

11h15-12h30 Parallel Session Panels

Session 1.A. Web archive to study the polyvocal Interpretation of Contested Colonial Heritage

Meltem Room

Véronique Ginouvès (CNRS, MMSH), Christine Mussard (IREMAM, AMU), Pauline Savéant (TELEMMe, AMU), Davide Rendina (Centrale Supélec Paris - AMU), Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU)

Session 1.B. Building the Next Generation of Web Archive Analysis Service (abstract)

Khamsin Room

Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo), Helge Holzmann (Internet Archive), Nick Ruest (York University), Samantha Fritz (Archives Unleashed), Thomas Padilla (Internet Archive)


12h30-13h30 : Lunch

Fort Saint-Jean terrace

Brown bag lunches


13h30 - 15h30 Parallel Sessions

13h30 - 14h30 Session 2.A. Uncovering the early Web's history I

Meltem Room

Chair: Jane Winters (University of London)

  • A Decade of Transformative Discourse: Sociotechnical Imaginaries of the Dutch Web between 1994-2004, Nathalie Fridzema (University of Groningen), Tom Slootweg (University of Groningen) (abstract)
  • Reconsidering the Significance of Teletext for the History of the Internet in the UK, Rowberry Simon (University College London) (abstract)
  • Web Archiving Comes of Age: Averting the Digital Dark Age of September 11th, 2001, Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo) (abstract)


14h30-15h30 Session 3.A. Uncovering the early Web's history II

Meltem Room

Chair: Anne Helmond (Utrecht University)

  • Flirting and the web: the case study of Luxusbuerg, Carmen Noguera (Université du Luxembourg) (abstract)
  • Not without the archived web. Tracking down the origins of early Usenet newsgroups in astrophysics and in some related disciplines, Monica Marra (INAF - OAS Bologna) (abstract)
  • Time, Bits and Nickel: Managing Digital and Analog Continuity, Julie Momméja (Université Lumière Lyon 2) (abstract)


13h30-14h30 Session 2.B. Cultural practices

Khamsin Room

Chair: Nicola Bingham (British Library)

  • How can we build a corpus and an archive of the French web literature?, Christian Cote (Université Jean Moulin - Lyon III) (abstract)
  • Lockdown collections and web archives: cross-exploration of BNF and INA archives, Marta Severo (Université Paris Nanterre) (abstract)
  • Saving the music in a digital era – three cases, three mediascapes, Henrik Smith-Sivertsen (Royal Danish Library) (abstract)


14h30 - 15h30 Session 3.B Body and Health Studies in a digital context

Khamsin Room

Chair: Jessica Ogden (University of Bristol)

  • Archived Web Source Code as Evidence in Computer History Research: A Case Study Concerning Digital Computing and Psychedelic Culture, James Hodges (San José State University) (abstract)
  • Bridging the Gap: Capturing UK trans health discourse in the Archive of Tomorrow, Alice Austin (University of Edinburgh) (abstract)
  • Collecting and archiving the audiovisual web: Food, cooking and health in a selected corpus of websites and connected YouTube channels in France, Christian Bonah, Solène Lellinger (SPHERE, Université de Paris), Caroline Sala (Université de Strasbourg) (abstract)


15h30 - 16h15 Break

16h15 - 17h15 Parallel Sessions & Panels

16h15 - 17h15 Session 4.A Web Archive in Mediterranean area and its merge

Meltem Room

Chair: Anat Ben David (The Open University of Israel)

  • How to research governmental web data?, Daniel Gomes ( (abstract)
  • GLAM institutions in the Linked Open Data web: Exploring the use of Wikibase for open and connected databases, Christos Varvantakis (Wikimedia Deutschland) (abstract)


16h15 -17h15 Session 4.B Web preservation, at the interface between the government and civil society

Khamsin Room

Chair: Valérie Schafer (Université du Luxembourg)

  • Memory in Uncertainty: Web preservation in the polycrisis, Cade Diehm (New Design Congress), Benjamin Royer (New Design Congress) (abstract)
  • The development of government website labels 2010-2022, Tanja Svarre (Aalborg University) (abstract)
  • The Internet will not remember you: the effect of internet censorship on personal practices of archiving, Shchetvina Anya (Humboldt University) (abstract)


Tuesday 6 June


8h30 - 9h: Registration for new participants

09h - 9h45h Keynote Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online Sebastian Majstorovic (European University Institute)

Meltem Room

Chair: Jean-Christophe Peyssard (MMSH, CNRS) & Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU)


9h45 - 10h10: Coffee Break


10h15-11h25: Parallel Session Panels: Academics and museum perspectives

Session 5.A. Mentorship for early career scholars in web archive studies (abstract)

Meltem Room

Valérie Schafer (Université du Luxembourg), Jane Winters (University of London), Anat Ben-David (The Open University of Israel)


Session 5.B. Museums on the Web: Exploring the past for the future (abstract)

Khamsin Room

Chairs: Karin De Wild (Leiden University), Nadezhda Povroznik (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

  • Early Virtual Science Museums: Case Studies and Conclusions, Giuliano Gaia (IULM University), Stefania Boiano, Jonathan P. Bowen, Ann Borda (University of Melbourne) (abstract)
  • A diachronic analysis of Danish museum websites, Mette Skov (Aalborg University), Tanja Svarre (Aalborg University) (abstract)
  • Rethinking openness: a social constructivist approach to the promises of the new museology, Tiancheng Leo Cao (University of Texas at Austin) (abstract)


11h30 - 12h30: Parallel Sessions: Methodological Challenges

Session 6.A. Multi-level methods for studying web archives

Meltem Room

Chair: Claude Mussou (INA)

How to handle web archive versions? Niels Brügger (Aarhus University), Frédéric Clavert (Université du Luxembourg), Joshgun Sirajzade (Université du Luxembourg) , Karin De Wild (Leiden University) (abstract)

The Technograph: Building an instrument for visualising and analysing web archive data Johannes Paßmann (Ruhr University Bochum), Lisa Gerzen (Ruhr University Bochum), Martina Schories (Ruhr University Bochum), Anne Helmond (Utrecht University) (abstract)

Continuity and discontinuity in web archives, Quentin Lobbé (CNRS) (abstract)


Session 6.B. From online Tools to Web Archive?

Khamsin Room

Chair: Benjamin Thierry (UMR Sirice)

  • Representing and analysing mediated memory through a semantic social media web archive, Costis Dallas (Vilnius University), Ingrida Kelpsiene (Vilnius University) (abstract
  • Hyphe: a curation­-oriented approach to web crawling for the social sciences, Ooghe Tabanou Benjamin (SciencesPo) (abstract)
  • Time to explore, time to learn from the archived web: training initiative, Ricardo Basílio ( (abstract)


12h30-13h30: Lunch


13h30-14h30 Parallel Sessions: Archiving the Indomitable Web

Session 7.A. Staging of the collection creation process

Meltem Room

Chair: Marta Severo (Université Paris Nanterre)

  • Describing Collections with Datasheets for Datasets, Emily Maemura (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Helena Byrne (British Library) (abstract)
  • Born digital paper sources: exploring offline web archives, Kees Teszelszky (KB, National Library) (abstract)
  • Surveying the landscape of COVID-19 web collections in European GLAM institutions, Nicola Bingham (British Library) (abstract)
  • We're All Experts Now? Archiving public health discourse in the UK Web Archive, Alice Austin (University of Edinburgh) (abstract)


Session 7.B. App and Social Media Challenges

Khamsin Room

Chair: Frédéric Clavert (Univiversité du Luxembourg)

Ramsine Room

Super-appification: Mapping the history and evolution of “super apps”, Fernando Vlist Van Der (Utrecht University), Anne Helmond (Utrecht University), Michael Dieter (University of Warwick), Esther Weltevrede (Université of Amsterdam) (abstract)

Challenges in archiving the personalised Web, Camilla Penzo (PEReN Paris), Gilles Tredan (LAAS CNRS),  Lucas Verney (PEReN Paris), Erwan Le Merrer (INRIA) (abstract)

Making social media archives: current trends and archiving practices in the development of (representative) social media collections, Beatrice Cannelli (University of London) (abstract)


14h30 - 15h00 Coffee Break

15h00 - 16h15 Parallel Sessions Panels

Session 8.A Interrogating the logics of web archiving in the era of platformization (abstract)

Meltem Room

Jessica Ogden (University of Bristol),  Katie Mackinnon (University of Toronto), Emily Maemura (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)


Session 8.B A network to develop the use of web archives: three outcomes of the ResPaDon project (abstract)

Khamsin Room

Emmanuelle Bermes (Ecole des chartes), Laurence Favier (Université de Lille), Audrey Baneyx (Sciences Po), Benjamin Ooghe Tabanou (Sciences Po), Sara Aubry (Université Paris Nanterre), Alexandre Faye (BNF), Marie-Madeleine Geroudet (Université de Lille)


16h15 - 17h15 Parallel Sessions

Session 9.A. Towards a participatory approach to collections

Chair: Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo)

Meltem Room

  • Participatory Web Archiving: The path towards more inclusive web archives?, Cui Cui (Bodleian libraries/Information School University Sheffield) (abstract)
  • Assessing the Scholarly Use of Web Archives in Ireland, Sharon Healy, Helena Byrne (British Library) (abstract)
  • Exhibiting Web Memories from a call for community participation, Ricardo Basilio ( (abstract)
  • Accessing the Twitter API V2 academic access, Camille Riou (UNIDARC) (abstract)


Session 9.B. Digging up the materials for writing web history

Chair: Susan Aasman (University of Groningen)

Khamsin Room

  • What can we know about a website? Studying web archive content by mixing methods and data types, Niels Brügger (Aarhus University) (abstract)
  • (Un)hidden actors of fiscal optimisation Retrieving the history of business lawyers in Luxembourg through web archives, Benoit Majerus (Université du Luxembourg), Lars Wieneke (Université du Luxembourg) (abstract)
  • Archiving cryptocurrencies for the future, Pedro Gomes ( (abstract)


17h15 - 17h30 Social Network Challenge Grand Prize

17h30 - 18h00 Conclusion and Farewell

Meltem Room




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