ProgrammeConference programmeRESAW 2023 will be held exclusively on site at MUCEM Lab (Mediterranean Institute of Heritage Crafts) on Monday 5 June and Tuesday 6 June 2023 Download the programme in PDF format Simultaneous translation French/English - English/French will be offered in the Meltem room exclusively
Monday 5 June 20238h30-9h15 RegistrationMeltem Room
9h15-10h Welcome and IntroductionWelcome speeches: Anne Faure (MUCEM) ; Maryline Crivello (AMU) ; Fabien Borget (AMU) ; Xavier Daumalin (TELEMME, AMU) ; Jean-Christophe Peyssard (MMSH, CNRS) ; Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU) Meltem Room
10h-10h45 Carte blanche: Dana Diminescu (Télécom Paris) : "Just like home". The words of hospitality shared onlineChair : Claude Mussou (INA) Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU) Meltem Room
10h45 - 11h15 Coffee Break11h15-12h30 Parallel Session PanelsSession 1.A. Web archive to study the polyvocal Interpretation of Contested Colonial HeritageMeltem Room Véronique Ginouvès (CNRS, MMSH), Christine Mussard (IREMAM, AMU), Pauline Savéant (TELEMMe, AMU), Davide Rendina (Centrale Supélec Paris - AMU), Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU) Session 1.B. Building the Next Generation of Web Archive Analysis Service (abstract)Khamsin Room Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo), Helge Holzmann (Internet Archive), Nick Ruest (York University), Samantha Fritz (Archives Unleashed), Thomas Padilla (Internet Archive)
12h30-13h30 : LunchFort Saint-Jean terrace Brown bag lunches
13h30 - 15h30 Parallel Sessions13h30 - 14h30 Session 2.A. Uncovering the early Web's history IMeltem Room Chair: Jane Winters (University of London)
14h30-15h30 Session 3.A. Uncovering the early Web's history IIMeltem Room Chair: Anne Helmond (Utrecht University)
13h30-14h30 Session 2.B. Cultural practicesKhamsin Room Chair: Nicola Bingham (British Library)
14h30 - 15h30 Session 3.B Body and Health Studies in a digital contextKhamsin Room Chair: Jessica Ogden (University of Bristol)
15h30 - 16h15 Break16h15 - 17h15 Parallel Sessions & Panels16h15 - 17h15 Session 4.A Web Archive in Mediterranean area and its mergeMeltem Room Chair: Anat Ben David (The Open University of Israel)
16h15 -17h15 Session 4.B Web preservation, at the interface between the government and civil societyKhamsin Room Chair: Valérie Schafer (Université du Luxembourg)
Tuesday 6 June8h30 - 9h: Registration for new participants09h - 9h45h Keynote Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online Sebastian Majstorovic (European University Institute)Meltem Room Chair: Jean-Christophe Peyssard (MMSH, CNRS) & Sophie Gebeil (TELEMMe, AMU) 9h45 - 10h10: Coffee Break10h15-11h25: Parallel Session Panels: Academics and museum perspectivesSession 5.A. Mentorship for early career scholars in web archive studies (abstract)Meltem Room Valérie Schafer (Université du Luxembourg), Jane Winters (University of London), Anat Ben-David (The Open University of Israel)
Session 5.B. Museums on the Web: Exploring the past for the future (abstract)Khamsin Room Chairs: Karin De Wild (Leiden University), Nadezhda Povroznik (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
11h30 - 12h30: Parallel Sessions: Methodological ChallengesSession 6.A. Multi-level methods for studying web archivesMeltem Room Chair: Claude Mussou (INA) How to handle web archive versions? Niels Brügger (Aarhus University), Frédéric Clavert (Université du Luxembourg), Joshgun Sirajzade (Université du Luxembourg) , Karin De Wild (Leiden University) (abstract) The Technograph: Building an instrument for visualising and analysing web archive data Johannes Paßmann (Ruhr University Bochum), Lisa Gerzen (Ruhr University Bochum), Martina Schories (Ruhr University Bochum), Anne Helmond (Utrecht University) (abstract) Continuity and discontinuity in web archives, Quentin Lobbé (CNRS) (abstract)
Session 6.B. From online Tools to Web Archive?Khamsin Room Chair: Benjamin Thierry (UMR Sirice)
12h30-13h30: Lunch13h30-14h30 Parallel Sessions: Archiving the Indomitable WebSession 7.A. Staging of the collection creation processMeltem Room Chair: Marta Severo (Université Paris Nanterre)
Session 7.B. App and Social Media ChallengesKhamsin Room Chair: Frédéric Clavert (Univiversité du Luxembourg) Ramsine Room Super-appification: Mapping the history and evolution of “super apps”, Fernando Vlist Van Der (Utrecht University), Anne Helmond (Utrecht University), Michael Dieter (University of Warwick), Esther Weltevrede (Université of Amsterdam) (abstract) Challenges in archiving the personalised Web, Camilla Penzo (PEReN Paris), Gilles Tredan (LAAS CNRS), Lucas Verney (PEReN Paris), Erwan Le Merrer (INRIA) (abstract) Making social media archives: current trends and archiving practices in the development of (representative) social media collections, Beatrice Cannelli (University of London) (abstract) 14h30 - 15h00 Coffee Break15h00 - 16h15 Parallel Sessions PanelsSession 8.A Interrogating the logics of web archiving in the era of platformization (abstract)Meltem Room Jessica Ogden (University of Bristol), Katie Mackinnon (University of Toronto), Emily Maemura (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Session 8.B A network to develop the use of web archives: three outcomes of the ResPaDon project (abstract)Khamsin Room Emmanuelle Bermes (Ecole des chartes), Laurence Favier (Université de Lille), Audrey Baneyx (Sciences Po), Benjamin Ooghe Tabanou (Sciences Po), Sara Aubry (Université Paris Nanterre), Alexandre Faye (BNF), Marie-Madeleine Geroudet (Université de Lille)
16h15 - 17h15 Parallel SessionsSession 9.A. Towards a participatory approach to collectionsChair: Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo) Meltem Room
Session 9.B. Digging up the materials for writing web historyChair: Susan Aasman (University of Groningen) Khamsin Room
17h15 - 17h30 Social Network Challenge Grand Prize17h30 - 18h00 Conclusion and FarewellMeltem Room
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